The main aim of Futures Literacy Methods is to transform and convey FUEL4Design outcomes into learning processes.
Learning Future Literacies Methods concerns both the preparation of a complete Futurist Designer training course and the design of small Independent Learning Units to cross breed design studios or speculative/theoretical courses.

Modules for Futures Literacy Methods will be specifically created to cater to the needs of future literacy and geared to acquire knowledge on anticipatory practice, critical future design and future making through the dedicated tools.
The materials gathered along Design Futures Lexicon to Design Futures Toolkit will be conveyed into 10 modules to be used inside existing courses depending on the teachers’ needs.
There are to two core innovations. The first concerns the roadmap for reflecting on the project process and practices. It works to activate meta design practices and to allow students to learn from their own experiences. This is not just the delivery of tools and resources but given instruments to reflect on them and use them in an anticipatory way.
The second innovation refers to the delivery of the output guide is to represent what the tools name but they do not tell designers how to translate future concepts into visual forms. New knowledge will be informed through concepts, case histories and examples of such transformations and transmodality in use.
The creation of packages of unified and codified knowledge will allow participants to access, change and reform learning resources and effect a ‘roadmap’ to help designers actively reflect on this. The formation of such units will allow users to identify different elements and effect their own impactful uses.
The possibility to use the different learning resources in different context will allow the creation of a transversal model able to contaminate existing courses as well as new ones creating flexibility for HE Students in the pathways toward a design future literacy.
The Training Course will have a modular and flexible structure and will be made up of several units, organised by process steps. The training course will consist of at least 10 modular learning units. Content developed will include scripts, course material, case studies, toolkit, tutorials and tests. The training resources will be designed to support theoretical and multidisciplinary, work-based situations, learner-centred and problem-based learning.
The modular structure provided for the Future Literacy training course will be remoulded into small Independent Learning Units easily usable in different educational context. The variety of materials provided by the multilayered structure of the project will allow the team to provide different type of unit contributions:
- Unit on codified knowledge (historical, philosophical, methodological contents and cases on designing futures);
- Unit on critical knowledge (lenses through which to challenge the actual view of the present and open futures);
- Unit on reframing know-how (projectual knowledge able to insert/exploit agents of change);
- Tools to facilitate the reframing process;
- Road map to reflect on project process and practice and activate a virtuous metadesign practice.
The learner will secure basic knowledge, experience subject boundaries and interdisciplinary approaches, developing a task culture, learning from mistakes, including cumulative and autonomous learning.
The course and materials will be designed as such that each institution can integrate it into their existing or future curricula. Content will be released under Creative Commons Licence 4.0 Share-Alike to foster its use and reuse.